Non-Profit Organizations

How we can help

My work with non-profit organizations includes work with both boards and staff, depending on the needs of the organizations.  I have delivered multi-day racial competency building retreats for the boards of large national non-profits; conflict resolution for boards of state level NGOs, and a four-part curriculum for the White antiracist learning affinity group at a national non-profit.

Conflict Resolution

In 2016, a principal called me saying that his school faculty had “frozen over” after an unsuccessful conversation about racial privilege.  One year later, following three 8-hour sessions with the entire faculty, the faculty and administration voted to award our facilitation team their Community Partner of the Year Award based on the success of our sessions in helping the faculty work together again.   

Conflict resolution is not a pre-designed program, but rather a relationship in which we design sessions based on the group’s needs.  I have conducted conflict resolutions with school faculties, non-profit boards, and organizations. This is some of my favorite work because it is raw, honest, healing, and generative.  

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